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肩頸痛How common is neck pain? 肩頸痛的普遍性


How common is neck pain? 肩頸痛的普遍性

肩頸痛在香港是一個很常見的痛症,據香港衛生署於2014-2015年的調查發現,每十名年齡15 歲及以上的人士中,約有一人(9.8%)在調查前30天內曾出現頸痛的問題。另一份研究亦指出白領人士是最容易會有肩頸痛的一群。

Neck Pain is common in Hong Kong, according to a questionnaire by Hong Kong Department of Health, 9.8% of the interviewees suffered from the pain in the previous 30 days. Research in 2018 indicates that office workers have the highest incidence of neck disorders among all other occupations, at 17% to 21%.

普遍性 Prevelance




It is unusual to visit a clinic when it comes to the problem of neck pain, patients tend to release pain via massage, pain free patches, or simply  just let it go. In other words, no one prefers visiting clinics.  


Ignorance may make it worse, seeking medication support would be the most efficient way to handle chronic neck pain. 


Nothing comes from nothing, Rome is not built in one day.


Neck pain can be divided into two types: for acute one, usually occurs with physical trauma. For chronic one, it could be accumulated by overworking, bad posture, excessive usage of mobile and incorrect breathing method, etc. Meanwhile, depression, or other mental health disorders can contribute to chronic neck pain, too. 

肩頸痛除了會引起相關部位的不適外,更會引伸出其他連鎖式的問題:如頭痛、 於手臂或上背出現的放射性痛楚。

Neck pain and its associated disorders,including headache and radiating pain into the arm and upper back, are common.

Bussières, A. E., Stewart, G., Al-Zoubi, F., Decina, P., Descarreaux, M., Hayden, J., Hendrickson, B., Hincapié, C., Pagé, I., Passmore, S., Srbely, J., Stupar, M., Weisberg, J., & Ornelas, J. (2016). The Treatment of Neck Pain-Associated Disorders and Whiplash-Associated Disorders: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 39(8), 523–564.e27.



Pain Relief To Be 


The only means of curing neck pain is to treat yourself with suitable medicine.


Neck pain could be handled by MOVE:

活動 觀察 改變 訓練

Mobilize Observe Vary Exercise

Move Learn Adjust Training

活動關節 取回幅度

Mobilize join,regain the range of motion

觀察自己 了解狀況

Self Observation,Understand your own

改變姿勢  適應生活

Vary posture,adapt to life

按時練習 訓練肌肉

Exercise regularly, Train your muscle

「四」管齊下 藥到病除

Maintain and prevent

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